Osaka is a very well connected city with air links. Here is a list of the most convenient transport options.

Access to Osaka

Via Osaka Kansai International Airport (KIX)

  • There are direct flights from about 50 cities over the world, so that we believe that most participants can reach Osaka by 0 or 1 transit. See, this page (KIX) to search the airport most convenient for you.
  • It takes about 1 hour by train from KIX to JR Osaka station.
  • In addition, it takes 10 minutes by taxi from JR Osaka Station to the conference venue, as detailed below.

Via Tokyo International Airport (HND) or Narita International Airport (NRT)

  • These airports located around Tokyo also have direct flights from many cities over the world. See, this page (HND) or this page (NRT).
  • To Tokyo Station by train, it takes about 1-1.5 hours from NRT and 30 minute from HND.
  • The distance between Tokyo and Osaka is about 500 km. It takes about 2.5 hours from Tokyo Station and Shin-Osaka Station by Shinkansen Bullet Train.
  • In addition, it takes 20 minutes by taxi from Shin-Osaka station to the conference venue.

From JR Osaka Station to Osaka International Convention Center (OICC)

  • It takes about 10 minutes to OICC by taxi, or alternatively, 24 minutes on foot.
  • The hotet guests at Rihga Royal Hotel may use free shuttle bus service between Rihga Royal Hotel and JR Osaka Station (15 minutes).

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VISA for travel to Japan

If you require a VISA to travel to the Japan and need an invitation letter, first register here, pay the conference fee and then contact us to obtain an invitation letter.